
In the course of the academic year, some Fellows will hold evening colloquia open to the public. In addition, the Wissenschaftskolleg invites audiences to other events like discussion concerts, podium discussions, and lectures on current topics. Beyond that, numerous internal events like the Colloquia and workshops are held; these are generally reserved exclusively for the Fellows.

If you would like to receive regular invitations to our public events, please send us an e-mail to that effect at veranstaltungen(at)


In the course of each academic year, the Wissenschaftskolleg organizes several workshops with current and (in the framework of the Fellow Forum) former Fellows.

see list

Three Cultures Forum

Seit 2018 organisiert das Wissenschaftskolleg die Veranstaltungsreihe Three Cultures Forum. Der Titel ist von Wolf Lepenies' Buch Die drei Kulturen inspiriert, das die Ausdifferenzierung der Wissenschaften im 19. Jahrhundert zum Thema hat.

Zur Liste

Series of Events

Public events take place approximately once a month. Next to the classic lecture formats, the so-called Evening Colloquia, there are also - at irregular intervals – events of the following series.

Series of events


The book presentations at the Wissenschaftskolleg took place at irregular intervals from 2003 through 2013. These were books that the authors worked on during their respective periods of stay at the Kolleg. 

Work Presentations

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