Reference Library

The Wissenschaftskolleg’s reference library has compiled the most important reference works in a wide variety of subjects. Also available is a collection of fundamental philosophical works as well as a selection of belles lettres in German, English and French.  Should you not be able to find some certain essential work, do please let us know so that we can look into acquiring it.

Suggestions for acquisitions 

Fellow Library

The Fellow Library presently comprises some 18,000 publications of current and former Fellows and is chronologically organized according to academic years. The years extending from 1981/82 to 1986/87 can be found in the lounge of the Villa Jaffé, the years 1987/88 to 2005/06 on the ground floor of the Neubau. All other years are located in the Main Building. Within a single academic year the books are arranged alphabetically according to Fellows’ last names.

New Arrivals

Newspapers and Journals

A selection of printed scholarly journals and book-review journals can be found in the bay window area of the White Villa. Various international, national and regional newspapers can be found in the clubroom of the Main Building.

To the journals and newspapers

Music Collection

Our music collection comprises the sound archive of musicians and composers who were guests at the Wissenschaftskolleg. The CD collection is to be found in the bay window area of the White Villa, where a CD player and earphones are available for your use. The musical scores are located in the Neubau.


Berlin literature

A selection of novels in German, English and French set in Berlin can be found above the pick up shelf.


Children's library

A collection of children's books for all ages in various languages can be found in the attic of the White Villa.

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