We have put together the following collections of free online resources. Your comments or additions are most welcome!
Project Muse | e-books and journal that are temporarily free to use |
Booklist | Book reviews by the American Library Association, temporarily freely accessible |
Brepols | free access to articles (until 2011) and books (until 2017) |
HeinOnline | free access to law journals |
OpenEdition | extended access to journals and e-books |
Open Access search engines
BASE | Bielefeld Academic Search Engine contains more than 150 million documents of which about 60% are Open Access To find these documents enter access:1 next to your search terms into the search bar |
DOAJ | articles from about 12,000 Open Access journals |
OpenAire | Open Access online documents compiled into one search engine |
DINI | List of certified Open Access repositories |
Publisso | Life Sciences |
EconStor | Economics |
SSOAR | Social Sciences |
ART-Dok | Arts |
ostdok | Eastern Europe Studies |
Propylaeum | Classical Studies |
intR2Dok | Law |
You find more repositories sorted by research areas here. Full text access might not be possible everywhere, but ordering articles is still possible via our request forms.
Old Prints & Manuscripts
SLUB Dresden | collections of the State Library Dresden |
Munich Digitization Center | collections of the State Library Munich |
Wolfenbüttel Digital Library | old prints of the Herzog August Library Wolfenbüttel |
Manuscripta germanica | medieval manuscripts of the Berlin State Library |
Heidelberg historic literature | Manuscripts, Charters, Incunabula and other old prints from the University Library Heidelberg |
Gallica | Collections of the National Library of France |
British Library | Maps and manuscripts from the British Library |
ÖNB digital | Books and images from the Austrian National Library |
Library of Congress | Collections of the Library of Congress |
Trinity College | Collections of the Trinity College library |
NYPL | Collections of the New York Public Library |
Digital Public Library America | digital library which containts collections of various US libraries |
e-rara | digitized rare books from Swiss institutions |
Digivatlib | collections of the Vatican Library |
Digital Bodleian | collections of the Bodleian Library |
Collection of image databases | link collection of the Art History Institute of the Free University Berlin |
heidiCON | Multimedia database of the Heidelberg University |
bpk | Agency BPK |
Image-based similarity search | image collections of the State Library Munich |
Europeana | collections of European archives, libraries and museums |
We are glad to investigate whether certain images may be reproduced in your publication and what the appertaining conditions might be.
DOAB | 25.000 freely available e-books |
Internet Archive | collection of fair use e-books and loan of other e-books after personal login (no waiting list until June) |
Hathi Trust | collection of fair use e-books from various institutions |
Springer | Springer Open Access e-books |
Project Muse | e-books and journal that are temporarily free to use |
arXiv | Sciences |
SSRN | Social Sciences |
bioRxiv | Biology |
LawArXiv | Law |
RePEc | Economics |
Arabixiv | various topics in Arabic |
Open Educational Resources
OER include complete onlince courses, text books and other material for online seminars like videos or presentations.
Family history
Stolpersteine in Berlin | commemorative stones dedicating to all people persecuted by the NS regime |
Berlin directories | directories from 1707-1992 |
The Central Database of Shoah Vimctims' Names | database of Yad Vashem |
Holocaust Statistics | statistics of the jewish citizens of Germany during 1933-1945 (only in German) |
Hamburg Passenger Lists 1850-1934 | database of German immigrants to the United States |
Archives Library Information Center | link collection of genealogy resources |
Restrict your search in Wikoscope to electronic to limit the results to online resources only. The detailed view will indicate a link to the full text or an abstract. Articles that aren't completely available to you may still be ordered through the request forms.
The browser plugin Unpaywall (Chrome or Firefox) will skip paywalls and redirect you to an Open Access PDF of an article if available. Once installed just look for the green lock while browsing articles.
If you have questions regarding Open Access in general or your publications in particular get in touch with us. We have prepared an overview for you.