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New Arrivals from 1. March 2017 to 1. March 2018

Focus Group Colouration in Animals


Animal Coloration : Production, Perception, Function and Application

theme issue compiled and edited by Tim Caro, Mary Caswell Stoddard and Devi Stuart-Fox

received in July 2017

published in July 2017

The Royal Society

Focus Group Colouration in Animals

Focus Group Coloration in Animals


The Biology of Color

Innes Cameron Cuthill, Barbara Caspers, Richard Prum, Devi Stuart-Fox, Tim Caro et al.

received in August 2017

published in August 2017

American Association for the Advancement of Science

Focus Group Coloration in Animals

Focus Group Causes and Implications of Adult Sex Ratio Variation in Vertebrates


Sex Ratios

co-authored by Michael Jennions, Tamás Székely, Steven R. Beissinger and Peter M. Kappeler

received in September 2017

published in August 2017


Focus Group Causes and Implications of Adult Sex Ratio Variation in Vertebrates

Laith Al-Shawaf Fellow 2015/2016

Laith Al-Shawaf Fellow 2015/2016


Evolutionary Psychology : A How-to Guide

received in January 2017

published in May 2017

American Psychological Association

Laith Al-Shawaf
Laith Al-Shawaf
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Peter Behrens Fellow 1997/1998


Europäisches Marktöffnungs- und Wettbewerbsrecht

received in May 2023

published in March 2017

C.F. Müller

Peter Behrens
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Steven R. Beissinger Fellow 2016/2017

Steven R. Beissinger Fellow 2016/2017


Revisiting Methods for Estimating Parrot Abundance and Population Size

Francisco V. Dénes, José L. Tella & Steven Beissinger

received in November 2018

published in November 2017

Emu - Australian Ornithology

Steven R. Beissinger
Steven R. Beissinger
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Rogers Brubaker Fellow 2016/2017

Rogers Brubaker Fellow 2016/2017


Between Nationalism and Civilizationism : The European Populist Moment in Comparative Perspective

received in August 2019

published in March 2017

Ethnic and Racial Studies

Rogers Brubaker
Rogers Brubaker
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José Emilio Burucúa Fellow 2012/2013

José Emilio Burucúa Fellow 2012/2013


Cartas berlinesas II

received in September 2017

published in July 2017

AH - Adriana Hildago editora

José Emilio Burucúa
José Emilio Burucúa
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Lars Chittka Fellow 2017/2018

Lars Chittka Fellow 2017/2018


Active Vision : A Broader Comparative Perspective Is Needed

received in November 2017

published in November 2017

Brussel, Vrje Univ.

Lars Chittka
Lars Chittka
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Lars Chittka Fellow 2017/2018

Lars Chittka Fellow 2017/2018


Color Discrimination is not Just Limited by Photoreceptor Noise

Vera Vasas, Joanna S. Brebner, and Lars Chittka

received in December 2017

published in December 2017

Oxford University Press

Lars Chittka
Lars Chittka
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Lars Chittka Fellow 2017/2018

Lars Chittka Fellow 2017/2018


Continuous Radar Tracking Illustrates the Development of Multi-Destination Routes of Bumblebees

Joseph L. Woodgate, James C. Makinson, Ka S. Lim, Andrew M. Reynolds & Lars Chittka

received in December 2017

published in December 2017

Macmillan Publishers Limited

Lars Chittka
Lars Chittka
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Lars Chittka Fellow 2017/2018

Lars Chittka Fellow 2017/2018


Counting Insects

Peter Skorupski, HaDi MaBouDi, Hiruni Samadi Galpayage Dona, and Lars Chittka

received in January 2018

published in January 2018

The Royal Society

Lars Chittka
Lars Chittka
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Lars Chittka Fellow 2017/2018

Lars Chittka Fellow 2017/2018


Large-Scale Transcriptome Changes in the Process of Long-Term Visual Memory Formation in the Bumblebee, Bombus terrestris

Li Li, Songkun Su, Clint J. Perry, Maurice R. Elphick, Lars Chittka & Eirik Søvik

received in January 2018

published in January 2018


Lars Chittka
Lars Chittka
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Innes Cameron Cuthill Fellow 2015/2016

Innes Cameron Cuthill Fellow 2015/2016


Distance-Dependent Aposematism and Camouflage in the Cinnabar Moth Caterpillar (Tyria jacobaeae, Erebidae)

James B. Barnett, Innes C. Cuthill, Nicholas E. Scott-Samuel

received in November 2018

published in February 2018

Royal Society Open Science

Innes Cameron Cuthill
Innes Cameron Cuthill
more publications in the Fellows' Library

El Hadji Ibrahima Diop Fellow 2015/2016

El Hadji Ibrahima Diop Fellow 2015/2016


Wissenschaft in Afrika im Spannungsfeld zwischen Geschichtsbildern und Wandel in der Geschichte - Postkoloniales und was danach

received in March 2018

published in January 2018

Nova Acta Leopoldina

El Hadji Ibrahima Diop
El Hadji Ibrahima Diop
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Dieter Ebert Permanent Fellow

Dieter Ebert Permanent Fellow


The Evolutionary Consequences of Stepwise Infection Processes

Matthew D. Hall, Gilberto Bento, and Dieter Ebert

received in January 2018

published in June 2017

Elsevier Ltd.

Dieter Ebert
Dieter Ebert
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Matthias Egeler Fellow 2017/2018

Matthias Egeler Fellow 2017/2018


Icelandic Folk­lore, Land­scape The­ory, and Lev­ity : The Seyðis­fjörður Dwarf-Stone

received in June 2018

published in December 2017

University of Helsinki

Matthias Egeler
Matthias Egeler
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Giovanni Frazzetto Fellow 2007/2008

Giovanni Frazzetto Fellow 2007/2008


Together, Closer : The Art and Science of Intimacy in Friendship, Love, and Family

received in January 2018

published in July 2017

Penguin Random House

Giovanni Frazzetto
Giovanni Frazzetto
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Inga Geipel Fellow 2017/2018

Inga Geipel Fellow 2017/2018


Low-Cost Synchronization of High-Speed Audio and Video Recordings in Bio-Acoustic Experiments

Dennis Laurijssen, Erik Verreycken, Inga Geipel, Walter Daems, Herbert Peremans and Jan Steckel

received in March 2018

published in February 2018

Journal of Experimental Biology

Inga Geipel
Inga Geipel
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Carlo Ginzburg Fellow 1996/1997

Carlo Ginzburg Fellow 1996/1997


Storia notturna: una decifrazione del sabba

received in July 2018

published in November 2017


Carlo Ginzburg
Carlo Ginzburg
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Stephen J. Greenblatt Fellow 1996/1997

Stephen J. Greenblatt Fellow 1996/1997


The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve

received in February 2018

published in September 2017

Bodley Head

Stephen J. Greenblatt
Stephen J. Greenblatt
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Jonas Grethlein Fellow 2012/2013

Jonas Grethlein Fellow 2012/2013


Aesthetic Experiences and Classical Antiquity

received in January 2018

published in September 2017

Cambridge University Press

Jonas Grethlein
Jonas Grethlein
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David M. Halperin Fellow 2014/2015

David M. Halperin Fellow 2014/2015


The War on Sex

Duke University Press

received in November 2017

published in March 2017

Duke University Press

David M. Halperin
David M. Halperin
more publications in the Fellows' Library

David M. Halperin Fellow 2014/2015


The War on Sex

Duke University Press

received in

published in March 2017

Duke University Press

David M. Halperin
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Ina Hartwig Fellow 2015/2016

Ina Hartwig Fellow 2015/2016


Wer war Ingeborg Bachmann? : Eine Biographie in Bruchstücken

received in December 2017

published in November 2017

S. Fischer

Ina Hartwig
Ina Hartwig
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71 Publications | Page 1 of 3

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