Stephan Leibfried, Dr. rer. pol.
Professor of Social Policy and Social Administration
University of Bremen
Born 1944 in Göttingen; passed away in 2018 in Bremen.
Welfare State and Global Market
Colloquium, 28.10.1997
Weltmarkt und Wohlfahrtsstaat
Publications from the Fellows' Library
Leibfried, Stephan (Bremen, 2013)
Ships of church and state in the 16th century Reformation and Counterreformation
Leibfried, Stephan (Basingstoke, Hampshire [u.a.], 2007)
Transforming the golden-age nation state Transformations of the state
Leibfried, Stephan (Frankfurt am Main, 2006)
Transformationen des Staates? Edition zweite Moderne
Leibfried, Stephan (Paris, 2004)
Construction européenne et État providence
Leibfried, Stephan (Cambridge [u.a.], 2003)
Limits to globalization : welfare states and the world economy
Leibfried, Stephan (Frankfurt am Main, 2001)
Grundlagen der Globalisierung : Perspektiven des Wohlfahrtsstaates Edition Suhrkamp ; 2207
Leibfried, Stephan (Cambridge, 1999)
Time and poverty in western welfare states : united Germany in perspective Zeit der Armut
Leibfried, Stephan (Thousand Oaks, Calif. [u.a.], 1998)
Welfare state limits to globalization