Ansgar Büschges, Dr. rer. nat.
Professor of Animal Physiology
University of Cologne
Neural Control and Locomotion
Segmental and Intersegmental Mechanisms in the Control of Locomotor Programs
Colloquium, 18.12.2001
Neural Control of Locomotion: An Interplay between Rhythm Generators, Intrinsic Properties of Neurons, and Sensory Feedback
Eveningcolloquium , 10.04.2002
Die Komplexität des Alltäglichen. Neurobiologie der Fortbewegung
Publications from the Fellows' Library
Büschges, Ansgar (London, 2020)
Studying the neural basis of animal walking in the stick insect
Büschges, Ansgar (Philadelphia, Pa, 2015)
Büschges, Ansgar (Philadelphia, Pa., 2012)
Büschges, Ansgar (Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011)
Büschges, Ansgar (2011)
Büschges, Ansgar (Amsterdam [u.a.], 2008)
Organizing network action for locomotion : insights from studying insect walking
Büschges, Ansgar (New York, NY [u.a.], 2007)
Mechanosensory feedback in walking : from joint control to locomotor patterns
Büschges, Ansgar (Philadelphia, Pa., 2007)
Adaptive motor behavior in insects
Büschges, Ansgar (Bethesda, Md., 2007)
Büschges, Ansgar (2006)
Sensory coupled action switching modules (SCASM) generate robust, adaptive stepping in legged robots