Leonid Zhmud, Dr. phil.
Professor of the History of Science
Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg
Born in 1956 in Lwow
Studied Antiquity at the University of Leningrad
Historiography of Science in Antiquity
Zur Zeit arbeite ich an meinem Projekt "Wissenschaftsgeschichte in der Antike". Das Resultat meiner Forschungen soll ein Buch mit demselben Titel sein. Hauptthemen des Buches: Vorläufer der peripatetischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte; Geschichte der Mathematik, Astromomie, Physik und Medizin bei den Peripatetikern; Wissenschaftsgeschichte im Hellenismus und in der Spätantike; Nachleben der antiken Wissenschaftsgeschichte im arabischen Mittelalter, in der Renaissance und der Neuzeit (bis Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts).Lektüreempfehlung
Zhmud, Leonid. Wissenschaft, Philosophie und Religion im frühen Pythagoreismus. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1997.
-. "Plato as Architect of Science?" Phronesis 43, no. 3 (1998): 211-244.
-. "Revising Doxography: Hermann Diels and his Critics." Philologus 145 (2001): 219-243.
Colloquium, 04.02.2003
The Historiographical Project of the Lyceum
Under the historiographical project of the Lyceum I mean a group of writings by three students of Aristotle, Theophrastus, Eudemus, and Menon, devoted to the history of philosophical and scientific knowledge (in Aristotelian sense), which reveal a lot of similarities in their content, approaches and composition. To these writings which survived only in fragments belong first of all three histories of science by Eudemus: 'History of geometry', 'History of arithmetic', and 'History of astronomy'. The next work is the 'History of theology' by the same Eudemus. Then comes the famous doxographical treatise by Theophrastus 'Opinions of the natural philosophers'. And the last work is Menon's 'Medical Collection', a medical doxography, analogous to Theophrastus' 'physical' doxography. I shall try to demonstrate both common and individual features of these writings and examine how they relate to Aristotle's theoretical and historical views.
Publications from the Fellows' Library
Zhmud, Leonid (2011)
Pythagorean communities : from individuals to the collective portrait
Zhmud, Leonid (Berlin [u.a.], 2006)
The origin of the history of science in classical antiquity Peripatoi ; Bd. 19
Zhmud, Leonid (Petropoli, 2004)
Alexander I. Zaicev und die westliche Forschung
Zhmud, Leonid (2004)
Alexander I. Zaicev und die westliche Forschung
Zhmud, Leonid (Berlin, 1997)
Wissenschaft, Philosophie und Religion im frühen Pythagoreismus Nauka, filosofija i religija v rannem pifagoreizme <dt.>