
Call for Applications: Constructive Advanced Thinking (CAT) 2020

The consortium of 10 European IAS announces the launch of the 2020 call for funding for international research groups – Constructive Advanced Thinking – short CAT. CAT is an open international call designed to foster interdisciplinary research teams of young promising individuals wishing to address emergent societal issues with fresh ideas.

Together with our sister institutes in Europe, we have launched the 2020 call for funding for research groups - Constructive Advanced Thinking - short CAT. CAT is an open international call designed to foster interdisciplinary research teams of young promising individuals wishing to address emergent societal issues with fresh ideas.

The group funding will provide travel funds to teams of early career researchers (three to five persons, possibly including a stakeholder) to advance their constructive thinking and stimulate discussion in the best research environments Europe has to offer.

Deadline for applications is 1 September 2020, 15:00 CET via an online application platform.

Successful applications will be notified in the beginning of December 2020. Invitations start after 1 January 2021. More information is available in the  call text or online. Questions can be directed to Daniela Kromrey via e-mail: CAT2020(at)

We are looking forward to more "cat(s)" around Europe!

IAS CEU (Budapest), Israel Institute for Advanced Studies (Jerusalem), Montpellier Advanced Knowledge Institute on Transitions (Montpellier), Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (Amsterdam), Paris Institute for Advanced Study (Paris), Scienza Nuova (Torino), Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (Uppsala), Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (Berlin), Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung (Bielefeld) and Zukunftskolleg (Konstanz)


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