Colloquium, 04.03.1986
Über kollektive Entscheidungen, Wohlfahrt und Verteilungsgerechtigkeit
Publications from the Fellows' Library
Gaertner, Wulf (2012)
Distributional orderings : an approach with seven flavors
Gaertner, Wulf (2011)
Perceptions of equity across cultures and over time : a questionnaire-experimental approach
Gaertner, Wulf (2009)
To be or not to be involved : a questionnaire-experimental viel on Harsanyi's utilitarian ethics
Gaertner, Wulf (2008)
A new class of measures of the standart of living based on functionings
Gaertner, Wulf (2004)
Gaertner, Wulf (2002)
Gaertner, Wulf (1999)
On the structure of choice under different external references
Gaertner, Wulf (1998)
Die Theorie kollektiver Entscheidungen seit 1951
Gaertner, Wulf (Berlin, 1992)
Social choice and bargaining perspectives on distributive justice Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems ; 387