Bernd A. Berg, Dr. rer. nat.
Professor of Physics
Florida State University, Tallahassee
Born in 1949 in Delmenhorst, Germany
Computer Simulations
Colloquium, 20.04.1993
Computers and Monte Carlo Simulations (Some Aspects of the Computer Revolution)
Publications from the Fellows' Library
Berg, Bernd A. (Amsterdam, 1994)
A determination of interface free energies
Berg, Bernd A. (Amsterdam, 1993)
Phase structure of SU (2) lattice gauge theory with quantum gravity
Berg, Bernd A. (Amsterdam, 1993)
Observation of FSS for a first-order phase transition
Berg, Bernd A. (Les Ulis, 1993)
Multicanonical study of the 3D Ising spin glass
Berg, Bernd A. (London [u.a.], 1993)
Locating global minima in optimization problems by a random-cost approach