Hans A. Weidenmüller, Dr. rer. nat., Drs. h.c., Ph.D.
Professor of Physics
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg
Physics of Disordered Systems
Physics of Chaotic and Disordered Systems
Colloquium, 27.10.1992
Complex Systems in Physics
Publications from the Fellows' Library
Weidenmüller, Hans A. (1998)
Limitations of physical knowledge: comment on Erhard Scheibe
Weidenmüller, Hans A. (München, 1997)
Max Planck : Vorträge und Ausstellung zum 50. Todestag
Weidenmüller, Hans A. (Amsterdam, 1994)
Symmetry breaking in compound nucleus reactions
Weidenmüller, Hans A. (Briston, 1994)
Semi-classical periodic-orbit theory for chaotic Hamiltonians with discrete symmetries
Weidenmüller, Hans A. (College Park, Md, 1994)
Weidenmüller, Hans A. (1994)
Memorandum zur Arbeit theoretisch-naturwissenschaftlicher Gruppen am Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
Weidenmüller, Hans A. (1994)
Komplexe Systeme in der Physik
Weidenmüller, Hans A. (Amsterdam, 1993)
Persistent currents in mesoscopic rings
Weidenmüller, Hans A. (Les Ulis, 1993)
Weidenmüller, Hans A. (Ridge, NY, 1993)
Quantum signatures of classical chaos : sensitivity of wave functions to perturbations