Steven Vertovec, D.Phil.
Professor of Transnational Anthropology
University of Oxford
Born in 1957 in Chicago, Ill.
Studied Anthropology and Religious Studies at the University of Colorado
and Social Anthropology at the University of Oxford
Social and Political Challenges of Transnational Migration
The project entails writing a book that will explore the emergent notion of "transnationalism" (concerning practices and processes surrounding global social networks), particularly with regard to migration. Due largely to advances in transportation and telecommunications, many migrants now - to a degree never before attainable - maintain close social, political, and economic links with homelands and communities of fellow migrants elsewhere in the world. This has a variety of implications for, among other issues: economic development in sending areas, cultural reproduction abroad, participation in homeland politics and integration into migrant receiving countries. The book will draw largely on the findings of a recently completed, five-year national research programme funded by the British Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and directed by Dr. Vertovec.Remarks for Other Fellows
I invite colleagues to peruse the website of the national research programme I have been directing, which will considerably feed into the book I intend to write at Wiko. The URL is: http://www.transcomm.ox.ac.uk
Related academic interests include: cosmopolitanism, multiculturalism, Hindu and Muslim diasporas.
Recommended Reading
"Conceiving and Researching Transnationalism." Ethnic and Racial Studies 22, no. 2 (1999): 447-462.
-. The Hindu Diaspora: Comparative Patterns. London and New York: Routledge, 2000.
-. "Transnational Social Formations." In Transnationalism and Migration, edited by J. DeWind, P. Levitt, and S. Vertovec. New York: Russell Sage (forthcoming).
Colloquium, 10.06.2003
Global Migration, Transnationalism and Social Transformation
Publications from the Fellows' Library
Vertovec, Steven (Thousand Oaks, CA, 2006)
Migration and other modes of transnationalism : towards conceptual cross‐fertilization
Vertovec, Steven (2006)
Transnacionalismo migrante y modos de transformación
Vertovec, Steven (Oxford, 2004)
Cheap calls : the social glue of migrant transnationalism
Vertovec, Steven (2004)
Trends and impacts of migrant transationalism
Vertovec, Steven (2004)
Migrant transnationalism and modes of transformation
Vertovec, Steven (Thousand Oaks, Ca., 2003)
International perspectives on transnational migration : an introduction
Vertovec, Steven (Oxford [u.a.], 2002)
Conceiving cosmopolitanism : theory, context, and practice
Vertovec, Steven ()
Theorizing global migration : how does transnationalism matter?