Blue Bird Club (2006-2008)
From 2006 to 2008, the Wissenschaftskolleg and the Centre for Liberal Strategies Sofia organized the Blue Bird Club. The Blue Bird Club was a discussion form for societally active researchers and intellectuals from Southeast Europe and journalists from all over Europe. Its goal was to draw the attention of the European press to the perspectives and analyses of Southeastern European researchers and intellectuals, thereby enriching Europe’s intellectual debates. To this end, the Blue Bird Club invited 10 to 12 Southeast European intellectuals and as many journalists from various European countries to one table to discuss current themes of European relevance. The focus was not on the Balkans, but on common European themes, which were discussed in the light of the specific perspective(s) of the region’s intellectuals.
The Blue Bird Club was situated at the Centre for Liberal Strategies (CLS) in Sofia and was headed by its director, former Wissenschaftskolleg Fellow (1999/2000) Ivan Krastev. It took as its starting point the project "Blue Bird: Agenda for Civil Society in Southeast Europe" (2001-2003) and was funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation.