Josef Paldus
Universität Waterloo
Geboren 1935 in Bzí, Tschechien; verstorben 2023 in Kitchener, Kanada.
Publikationen aus der Fellowbibliothek
Paldus, Josef (Prague, 1988)
Paldus, Josef (Melville, NY, 1988)
Paldus, Josef (1988)
Clifford algebra and unitary group formulations of the many-electron problem
Paldus, Josef (New York, NY, 1987)
Point group symmetry adaptation in clifford algebra unitary group approach
Paldus, Josef (College Park, Md, 1987)
Paldus, Josef (1986)
Group theoretical approaches to many-electron correlation problem
Paldus, Josef (1986)
Paldus, Josef (1986)
Paldus, Josef (Melville, NY, 1986)
Paldus, Josef (College Park, Md, 1986)
Para-Fermi algebras and the many-electron correlation problem