Richard Rorty
Universität Virginia, Charlottesville
Geboren 1931 in New York City; verstorben 2007 in Palo Alto, Kalifornien.
Kolloquium, 26.06.1987
Waren die Gesetze Newtons schon vor Newton wahr?
Publikationen aus der Fellowbibliothek
Rorty, Richard (2014)
Vier Formen des Schreibens von Philosophiegeschichte
Rorty, Richard (2004)
Philosophy as a transitional genre
Rorty, Richard (1998)
Does academic freedom have philosopphical presuppositions?
Rorty, Richard (1997)
Does academic freedom have philosophical presuppositions?
Rorty, Richard (1995)
The historiography of philosophy: four genres
Rorty, Richard (Cambridge [u.a.], 1995)
Philosophy in history : essays on the historiography of philosophy Ideas in context
Rorty, Richard (Cambridge, 1991)
Essays on Heidegger and others Philosophical papers ; v. 2
Rorty, Richard (Cambridge, 1991)
Objectivity, relativism, and truth Philosophical papers ; v. 1
Rorty, Richard (Cambridge [u.a.], 1989)
Contingency, irony, and solidarity