Alfred Saupe
Kent State University
Geboren 1925 in Badenweiler (Schwarzwald), verstorben 2008 in Badenweiler.
Kolloquium, 10.04.1990
Anchoring Transitions. Micelles, Bilayers, and Liquid Crystals
Publikationen aus der Fellowbibliothek
Saupe, Alfred (College Park, Md, 1990)
Saupe, Alfred (Melville, NY, 1989)
Saupe, Alfred (1989)
Landau point on a nematic-isotropic transition line
Saupe, Alfred (Philadelphia, PA, 1989)
Saupe, Alfred (Melville, NY, 1988)
Critical properties of the uniaxial-biaxial transition in micellar nematic phases
Saupe, Alfred (Philadelphia, PA, 1987)
Microscopic textures of micellar cholesteric liquid crystals
Saupe, Alfred (Melville, NY, 1987)
Magnetic birefringence study of isotropic suspensions of tobacco mosaic virus