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Recommended Reading
Plesu, Andrei. Reflexion und Leidenschaft: Elemente einer Ethik des Intervalls. Wien: Deuticke, 1992.
Plesu, Andrei. Wer in der Sonne steht, wirft Schatten. Ostfildern vor Stuttgart: Ed. Tertium, 2000.
Plesu, Andrei. Eliten - Ost und West. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2000.
Andrei G. Plesu, Dr. Drs. h.c.
Professor der Religionsphilosophie, Rektor,
New Europe College, Bukarest
Geboren 1948 in Bukarest
Studium der Kunstgeschichte in Bukarest, Kultusminister a.D. (1989-1991) und Aussenminister a.D. (1997-1999) Rumäniens
Kosmologie des Alten Testaments aus interreligiöser Perspektive
The reading of sacred texts seems to be, today, something reserved either for the specialists (philologists, historians, theologians), or to mere ritual piousness, with no analytical claims. What I would like to try in the book on which I will start working in Berlin (Old Testament Cosmology from an Inter-Religious Perspective) is a commentary to Genesis, aimed at a reader for whom the text is neither a réservoir of "technical problems", nor the strict survival of an outdated mythology. What does the prose of the Old Testament have to say to a contemporary intellectual who has not abandoned religious questions, but who is outside confessional blocks and rudimentary piety? My book will not be about "actualizing" the text (the effort to make science "agree" with faith being, in my view, ridiculously inadequate), but about rethinking and reliving the text, which should prevent it from reaching the - noble and void - status of a museum piece.Recommended Reading
Plesu, Andrei. Reflexion und Leidenschaft: Elemente einer Ethik des Intervalls. Wien: Deuticke, 1992.
Plesu, Andrei. Wer in der Sonne steht, wirft Schatten. Ostfildern vor Stuttgart: Ed. Tertium, 2000.
Plesu, Andrei. Eliten - Ost und West. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2000.