Gábor Demszky, Dr.
ehemaliger Oberbürgermeister von Budapest, 1990-2010
Geboren 1952 in Budapest
Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Eötvös Loránd Universität Budapest
Reformen der Stadtverwaltung in Budapest
During my stay at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, I have in mind to write a deeper analysis of the issues of my mayorship of Budapest that I have already documented in Budapest Marathon (in press), this time for a larger public, focusing on a set of tools in the field of city policy such as strategic planning, a targeted system of housing-related cost allowances, a crime prevention concept etc., for the use of experts enabling the city leadership to implement reforms in Budapest during the given period.This updated version of The Budapest Model will be based on the aforementioned documentation and is intended for publication. It will be accessible in Public Archives. This new version of The Budapest Model aims to promote the reforms and innovations we have implemented among a wide range of experts of urban policy and self-governments interested in adapting them to their circumstances. One of these reforms is the following:
One of the cornerstones of The Budapest Model is the framework of medium-term, 7-year financial planning. It is a rolling plan, updated in every annual budgetary round to project revenue flows, expenditures, and financial liabilities. This method of fiscal planning provides an effective and robust instrument for ensuring financial sustainability, achieving a good credit rating in external financing, systematically examining the budgetary consequences of current commitments, and striking the optimal balance between operating expenditures and investment activities. This framework is readily available for adaptation depending on the local institutional context.
As during the two previous years, I also intend to deliver public lectures during the autumn and winter of 2012 in several European cities about my experiences in local government - in order to promote reform-minded projects mainly in capital cities of the new member states of the EU.
Demszky, Gábor. Keleti éden: szamizdat apámnak [Das Paradies im Osten]. Budapest: Noran, 2008.
- A szabadság visszahódítása [Die Rückeroberung der Freiheit]. Budapest: Új Mandátum Könyvk, 2001.
-, ed. "Szamizdat 81-89." Hírmondó. Budapest: AB-Beszélo Kft, 1990.
Pallai, Katalin, ed. The Budapest Model. A Liberal Urban Policy Experiment. Budapest: Open Society Institute, Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, 2003.
Publikationen aus der Fellowbibliothek
Demszky, Gábor (Berlin, 2012)
Demszky, Gábor (2012)
Demszky, Gábor (S.l, 2012)
Die alte Samisdat-Kultur und die neue Opposition in Ungarn
Demszky, Gábor (Berlin, 2012)
A liberal urban policy experiment : (Budapest, 1990-2010)
Demszky, Gábor (Budapest, 2012)
Elveszett szabadság : láthatatlan történeteim
Demszky, Gábor (Budapest, 2012)
Elveszett szabadság : személyes történelem
Demszky, Gábor (2010)
Húsz év - egy suabad város élén
Demszky, Gábor (Budapest, 2010)
Budapest 1990 - 2010 : 20 Jahre einer freien Stadt
Demszky, Gábor (Budapest, 2010)
Budapest, 1990 - 2010 : egy szabad város 20 éve