Pierre-Laurent Aimard
Concert Pianist, Professor of Piano, Professor of Chamber Music
Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln
Geboren 1957 in Lyon, Frankreich
Studium am Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse in Paris
The Ligeti Project
The purpose of the project is to create a website that functions as a pedagogical resource for professional pianists, teachers, students, and anyone interested in learning more about the music of the Hungarian composer György Ligeti and its performance.During the past seven years, the Klavier-Festival Ruhr, in close collaboration with Tamara Stefanovich and me, has developed an acclaimed series of educational and artistic initiatives about contemporary piano music (see www.klavierfestival.de/klaviermodern).
We now wish, over the next two years, to further develop this internationally regarded initiative with an extensive project about the piano music of György Ligeti. Central to this ambitious aim is the development of a new kind of Internet site about Ligeti's music. The development of the website will have a double aim: on the one hand, to enthuse a broad public about the music of Ligeti. On the other, to encourage pianists to immerse themselves in Ligeti's piano works and to include them in their repertoire.
J. S. Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier
The aim is an in-depth study of the first book of Johann Sebastian Bach's Das Wohltemperirte Clavier (1722).Recommended Listening
Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Aka Pygmies. African Rhythms. György Ligeti, Steve Reich. Teldec Classics, 2003.
Pierre-Laurent Aimard. Bach: Die Kunst der Fuge. Deutsche Grammophon, 2008.
Recommended Reading
Pierre-Laurent Aimard. Rôle et responsabilités de l'interprète aujourd'hui. Collège de France: Editions Fayard, 2009.
Publikationen aus der Fellowbibliothek
Aimard, Pierre-Laurent (Zug, 2017)
Ernst von Siemens Musikpreis 2017 an Pierre-Laurent Aimard und Komponisten-Förderpreise 2017 an Michael Petzel, Simon Steen-Andersen und Lisa Streich : Verleihung im Prinzregententheater München, 2. Juni 2017 Erst von Siemens Musikpreis 2017$dLaudatio
Aimard, Pierre-Laurent (Helsinki, 2017)
Aimard, Pierre-Laurent ([München], 2015)
Aimard, Pierre-Laurent (Budapest, 2014)
Aimard, Pierre-Laurent (Aldeburgh, 2014)
67th Aldeburgh Festival of Music and the Arts, June 13-29
Aimard, Pierre-Laurent ([S.l.], 2013)
Written on skin : opera in three parts
Aimard, Pierre-Laurent (Cologno Monzese, 2010)
Traiettoria : (1982-84) ; per pianoforte e elettronica Traiettoria
Aimard, Pierre-Laurent (Italy, 2009)
Aimard, Pierre-Laurent (Hamburg, 2008)
The art of fugue Die Kunst der Fuge