Minou Arjomand, Ph.D.
University of Texas at Austin
Born in 1984 in Princeton, N.J., USA
Studied Comparative Literature and Society and Theater at Columbia University
The Storytellers: Radio, Podcasts, and the Global Public Sphere
My research focuses on the relationship between aesthetic experience and political action. In my current project, I turn to radio in order to understand how people share stories in times of social upheaval, mass migration, and rapid technological change. By tracing the development of radio from the early experiments of the historical avant-garde to the proliferation of podcasts today, my project offers both a history of the medium and a theory of the public realm.Artists and philosophers alike have long imagined the world as a stage. For theorists like Hannah Arendt, Greek tragedy is a model for how the public realm functions: the public realm is a space where people gather and, by acting together, constitute a political community. Using Arendt as a starting point, I seek to move beyond this metaphor of the world stage and the common model of democracy based on the Greek polis. How can we think about political participation in a new way? What does participation look like beyond this traditional model of citizens gathering physically in public places? Radio networks, I argue, can serve as both a model for a more inclusive public realm and an infrastructure through which that political space is created. By moving beyond the conception of a public as a group of citizens gathering together, we might elaborate a theory of the public that includes those people who are often excluded from political communities, among them refugees, undocumented people, and women relegated to domestic spaces.
Recommended Reading
Arjomand, Minou. Staged: Show Trials, Political Theater, and the Aesthetics of Judgment. New York: Columbia University Press, 2018.
-. "'Wenigstens bin ich nicht unschuldig': Arendt, Benjamin und Brecht." Trans. Irmgard Müller. In Benjamin und Brecht: Denken in Extremen, edited by Erdmut Wizisla, 245-257. Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp, 2017.
-. "Performing Catastrophe: Erwin Piscator's Documentary Theatre." Modern Drama 59, 1 (Winter 2016): 49-74.
Kolloquium, 13.04.2021
Im Verlauf der Kolloquien dieses Jahres sind wir verschiedenen Arten von Öffentlichkeit begegnet und haben sie diskutiert: Gelehrtenrepubliken, bürgerschaftliche Einrichtungen, performative Versammlungen. In meinem Vortrag erforsche ich eine weitere Art der Öffentlichkeit, die ich als Radioöffentlichkeit bezeichne. In der ersten Hälfte meines Vortrags konzentriere ich mich auf meine Forschung zur Geschichte des Radios und wie diese Geschichte dazu beitragen kann, politische Teilhabe, Stimme und Demokratie neu zu denken. In der zweiten Hälfte des Vortrags möchte ich die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer dazu einladen, an der Aufführung eines kurzen Hörspiels teilzunehmen, in dem die Schlüsselthemen meiner Forschung untersucht werden.
Publikationen aus der Fellowbibliothek
Arjomand, Minou (Brooklyn, NY, 2022)
In Weimar Germany, women fought for abortion justice
Arjomand, Minou (London, 2021)
Arjomand, Minou (New York, 2018)
Staged : show trials, political theater, and the aesthetics of judgment
Arjomand, Minou (Berlin, 2017)
Wenigstens bin ich nicht unschuldig : Arendt, Benjamin und Brecht
Arjomand, Minou (Toronto, 2016)
Performing catastrophe : Erwin Piscator's documentary theatre