Christopher M. Hann, Ph.D.
Professor der Sozialanthropologie
University of Kent at Canterbury
Monographie "Modernes Lazistan" (mit Ildikó Bellér-Hann); Geschichte der Ethnologie in Deutschland
Kolloquium, 04.03.1999
Proper Peasants, Stakhanovites, and the Lilies of the Field (Einleitungsvortrag zur AGORA-Konferenz)
Publikationen aus der Fellowbibliothek
Hann, Christopher M. (2017)
Thehuman economy of Pálinka in Hungary : a case study in longue durée lubrication
Hann, Christopher M. (2010)
From Volksgeist to radical humanism : culture and value in economic anthropology
Hann, Christopher M. (Leipzig, 2008)
Hann, Christopher M. (London, 2000)
Social anthropology Teach Yourself books
Hann, Christopher M. (Oxford [u.a.], 2000)
Turkish region : state, market & social identities on the East Black Sea coast World anthropology series
Hann, Christopher M. (Oxford [u.a.], 1999)
[Rezension von: Borneman, John, Settling accounts]
Hann, Christopher M. (Oxford, 1998)
[Rezension von: Calhoun, Craig, Nationalism]
Hann, Christopher M. (Cambridge, 1998)
Property relations : renewing the anthropological tradition
Hann, Christopher M. (1996)
Gellner on Malinowski : words and things in Central Europe
Hann, Christopher M. (1996)
Ethnic cleansing in Eastern Europe : Poles and Ukrainians beside the Curzon line