Mohammad Hashim Kamali, Ph.D.
Professor des Islamischen Rechts und der islamischen Rechtsprechung
International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius Fellow der ZEIT-Stiftung
Grundlegende Rechte und Freiheiten im Islam
Kolloquium, 06.02.2001
Fundamental Rights and Liberties in Islam
Publikationen aus der Fellowbibliothek
Kamali, Mohammad Hashim (2014)
Ethical llimits on freedom of expression with special reference to Islam
Kamali, Mohammad Hashim (2001)
Issues of the legal theory of usul and prospects for reform
Kamali, Mohammad Hashim (Kuala Lumpur, 2000)
Punishment in Islamic law : An enquiry into the Hudud Bill of Kelantan
Kamali, Mohammad Hashim (2000)
The right to personal safety and the principle of legality in the Sharī'ah
Kamali, Mohammad Hashim (Kuala Lumpur, 2000)
Islamic law in Malaysia : issues and developments
Kamali, Mohammad Hashim (1999)
Uncertainty and risk-taking (gharar) in Islamic law
Kamali, Mohammad Hashim (1999)
Prospects for an Islamic derivatives market in Malaysia
Kamali, Mohammad Hashim (1999)
The permissibility and potential of developing Islamic derivatives as financial instruments
Kamali, Mohammad Hashim (1999)
Maqāsid al-Sharī'ah : the objectives of Islamic law