Ion Manolescu, Ph.D.
Professor für Rumänische Literatur, Schriftsteller
Universität Bukarest
Born in 1968 in Bucharest
Studied Philology and Theory of Literature at Universitatea din Bucuresti
Andrew W. Mellon-Fellow
Kognitionswissenschaft und Literatur: Was sieht der Verstand?
My interdisciplinary project is in the combined fields of literature, cognitive psychology and cognitive philosophy. It focuses on understanding how the human mind functions in terms of real-life and literary imagery processing. Is the mind the "software" of the brain? What does the mind "see", both in reality and within a literary text? How are real and literary images constructed? Whence do literary images emerge - from the mind of the author, from the "body" of the text, or from the mind of the reader? All these issues will be examined in an effort to understand the paradoxical functioning of the human mind in the process of imagery production, processing and maintenance.Recommended Reading
Manolescu, Ion. Notiuni pentru studiul textualitatii virtuale. [Notions for the Study of Virtual Textuality.] Bucharest: Ars Docendi, 2002.
__. Videologia. O teorie tehno-culturala a imaginii globale Videology. [A Techno-Cultural Theory of Global Imagery.] Iasi: Polirom, 2003.
__. "Realitatea virtuala. O perspectiva literara si tehnologica." [Virtual Reality: A Literary and Technological Perspective.] Idei in dialog 4 (2009).
Publikationen aus der Fellowbibliothek
Manolescu, Ion (2009)
Cognitive science and literature : what does the mind read?
Manolescu, Ion (2009)
Impossible objects : literary representations
Manolescu, Ion (2007)
Fractals in postmodern fiction : an aesthetic perspective